Hairstory NYC

New York, NY

When former clients and longtime friends called for help to quickly relocate their startup venture to new offices, Balestri Architects was happy to join the team and help bring revolutionary hair care company Hairstory to its new home. Hairstory’s new mid-town Manhattan office serves as headquarters to their burgeoning retail business in addition to hosting a private salon space for custom hair styling by one of their many hair artists in residence.

The founders were looking for an informal and practical layout that matches their company’s intimate and minimalist approach to hair care. The main workspace is located in a large room directly off the entrance elevator and includes a small waiting area and large communal worktable in lieu of private offices. A small conference room at the front provides a space for hosting and private meetings.

The entire back half of the floor is dedicated to the hair styling and color salons which are available to clients by appointment only. A series of finished plywood partitions separate the styling salon from a small kitchenette and provide an informal canvas for inspiration pin-ups. Wood peg board wall storage units allow for customized solutions and will allow the studio to adapt to the Hairstory artists’ future needs.